Towards a new literature? Women writers in contemporary Japan

Guest Lecture with Prof. Anne Bayard-Sakai

Time: 16 November 2010, 11-13.00
Venue: Room U4, Snorregade 17-19, 2300 Copenhagen S

Anne Bayard-Sakai is Director of the Centre d'Etudes Japonaises, INALCO (Institut National des Langues et Civilisations Orientales), Paris and Lecturer of Japanese language and literature.


After the Second World War and until now, women writers have become more and more numerous and active on the Japanese literary scene. Their works are important for revealing new features in the world of Japanese novels and are becoming increasingly powerful statements.

How can the growing power of the work of Japanese female authors be explained in the Japanese cultural context, and how can we understand their contribution from a literary point of view? Analyzing some major figures among women authors, we shall try to determine the part they play in a changing literary landscape.?

All are welcome!

The lecture is organized by the Japanese Studies, Department of Cross-Cultural and Regional Studies (ToRS) and the Asian Dynamics Initiative (ADI).