Late Neolithic, Multi-species Resettlement Camp as a template for 'Development'

Centre of Global South Asian Studies and the Centre for Development Research, University of Copenhagen has the pleasure of inviting you to a joint public lecture

by Professor James C Scott, Yale University

Professor James Scott's research concerns political economy, comparative agrarian societies, theories of hegemony and resistance, peasant politics, revolution, theories of class relations and anarchism. His most significant works include: The Moral Economy of the Peasant (1976), Weapons of the Weak (1985), Domination and the Arts of Resistance (1990), Seeing like a State (1998), and The Art of Not Being Governed (2009). His work has and continues to significantly shape the field of political analysis of developing societies, and potent metaphors such as 'weapons of the weak' and 'seeing like a state' have become common notions in development studies. For over a generation, Scott has inspired new perspectives on development and political science by challenging conventional 'truths', thereby setting the intellectual and political agenda. His extensive experience from the universities of Wisconsin and Yale, and in particular his directorship of the Agrarian Studies Program at Yale, has made him a unique reference point in development research, and his joint appointments as professor in Political Science and Anthropology at Yale bespeak his scholarly versatility.

Professor James Scott is the recipient of the first Ester Boserup Prize Scholarship in Development 2013. The prize will be awarded by the Danish Minister of Development Christian Friis Bach.

Date: 3rd May 2013
Time: 13.00 - 15.30
Venue: Main auditorium, A1-01.01, Ground Floor, University of Copenhagen, Bulowsvej 17, Frederiksberg

Event is public. Participation is free.