The Rise of China and how to deal with it

Lecture followed by reception Friday, 10 August, 2 pm
Department of Political Science, University of Copenhagen

The Rise of China is reshaping the regional and global distribution of economic, political and military power. The overall question “What kind of world power will China be?” as well as questions on how to approach the Rise of China theoretically and politically are among the most debated in Western International Relations environments and have also been among the guiding ones in the Summer Course “The Rise of China in Domestic, Regional and Global Contexts”.

To conclude this course and to provide a broader avenue into understanding and discussing these important questions, a public lecture addressing the following will be held:

“How to assess the Rise of China empirically and theoretically? Chinese soft power – is there a Beijing model being promoted?”


Dr. Shogo Suzuki, School of Social Science, University of Manchester


“6 truths from 2006 - the search for a post-financial crisis paradigm for globalization and interaction with China”


Former Associate Prof. Tim Mondorf, Department of Economics, University of Copenhagen

Following the lecture the Department of Political Science is pleased to invite everybody to a reception at CSS 4.2.26

Venue: Department of Political Science, University of Copenhagen, Øster Farimagsgade 5, 1353 Copenhagen K, Room CSS 4-2-26 (Lunch Room)