Redrawing the Global Financial Map - Jin Liqun President of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank

Jin Liqun, President of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank:
“How Can the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank Contribute to Economic Development and Integration in Asia? What is in it for Europe/Denmark?”

The Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) is a major new initiative designed to promote investment in especially infrastructure facilities and communication in the Asian region. A number of Asian and European countries, including Denmark, have joined the initiative which involves an authorized capital base of $100 billion. The talk will discuss how the bank can contribute to economic development in Asia. It will also address the opportunities for the European cooperating partners and the possible synergies between AIIB and the Silk Road initiative.
At its inaugural meeting on January 16, AIIB elected Jin Liqun as its first President for a five year term. Jin Liqun has previously served as Chairman of China International Capital Corporation Limited, China’s first joint-venture investment bank. From 2008 to 2013 he was Chairman of the Supervisory Board of China Investment Corporation (CIC). He has also served as Ranking Vice President of the Asian Development Bank (2003-2008). He was appointed Vice Minister of Finance in 1998.
 This meeting is organized by Professor Kjeld Erik Brødsgaard, CBS, and Professor Jørgen Delman, University of Copenhagen.