Asian Dynamics Initiative joins EastAsiaNet
EastAsiaNet is a network of leading European research based universities, primarily with a social-science focus on East Asia, but reaching out to other relevant disciplines as well.
EastAsiaNet takes up issues that surpass the capacity of single institutions in Master and PhD education and in research. Ultimately, it aims to contribute with high-level expertise to a European perspective on Euro-Asia relations. "East Asia" is understood to cover Japan, Korea, and Greater China. However, activities often reach beyond the region into other parts of Asia.
EastAsiaNet is governed by a Meeting of Member Institutions which meets to discuss and decide about common issues and projects twice a year. Each member institution has appointed a representative to the Executive Board, which meets twice a year and makes decisions of strategic and operational importance. Jørgen Delman and Marie Højlund Roesgaard are appointed representatives of the University of Copenhagen. Between meetings of the Executive Board, a Steering Group takes care of day-to-day matters. The group consists of a member from Duisburg University and from the organisers of the next research workshop and of the next members´ meeting.
Projects under EastAsiaNet are run by representatives from the various member institutions.
Research workshops, business meetings
The network convenes annual member research workshops: Until now, the topics have been as follows:
- "The Modern Turn in Governance: Understanding Institutions, Actors and Cognitive Patterns in East Asia", Duisburg 04/2006
- "Framing Risk: Hazard Perception as a Crucial Factor in Imagining East Asia", Lund 06/2007
- "Risk in East Asia" and "Mis-taking Asia", Leeds 05/2008
- Madrid 04/2009
- "Globalization: Any Possibility of Economic and Political Decoupling in East Asia", Copenhagen (CBS & CU), 11/2009
Business Meetings have been organized alongside these workshops as follows: Barcelona, 10/2006, Lyon, 10/2007, Venice, 11/2008, Copenhagen, 11/2009.
Future workshops and business meetings
The next research workshop and business meeting will be held in Prague 22-24 April 2010. One part of the workshop will be a continuation of EastAsiaNet´s ongoing concern to accumulate expertise in the topic range of "risk" for which the experiences and results of the successful Copenhagen workshop in November 2009 will be drawn on (i.e. possibly the workshop would include issues such as "risk", "virtue" and "decoupling"). The aim will be to solicit papers on a level suitable to fill a special issue of a reputed academic journal.
Barcelona will host the autumn 2010 meeting, while Duisburg will host the spring 2011 meeting.
ERASMUS teacher and student exchange
EastAsiaNet has the possibility of utilizing the ERASMUS facility for teacher and student exchange. Dr. Zhong Zhang from Sheffield University is the new coordinator of the exchange. Please contact him for further information!
Course for PhD students working with Asia
In connection with the planned ADI conference in November 2010, "Asian Diversity in a Global Context" , there will be a PhD workshop, Asian Diversity in a Global Context - How can we capture specificities with our approaches and methods?". The workshop is organized jointly by ADI/Copenhagen University, NIAS-Nordic Institute for Asian Studies, The Danish Research School for Regional and Area Studies, and EastAsiaNet . The workshop will be open to students from the four institutions as well as to external applicants.