9 October 2009

Professor Rajesh Kochhar visits ADI

In early December 2009, Professor Rajesh Kochhar from the Indian Institute of Science Education and Research Mohali, Chandigarh will visit ADI, University of Copenhagen and the Ethnographical Collections, National Museum of Denmark.

7 December at 11:00-13:00. Lecture by Prof. Kochhar: Ancient Astronomy. Evolution and Linkages, room 0.34 at Indology, the University of Copenhagen, Artillerivej 86

8 December at 13:00-14:00. Lecture by Prof. Kochhar: Denmark, Colonial India and Protestant Missionaries, The National Museum, Tranquebar Initiativet, Festsalen, Ny Vestergade 10.

8 December at 14:15:16:00. Semi-open Workshop in the Tranquebar Initiative with participation of Prof. Kochhar, The National Museum (enrolment required, room for max 20 participants)

9 December at 14:15. Lecture by Prof. Kochhar: Colonial use of science and the native responses, at Niels Bohr Archive