Copenhagen ADI Conference 2017
9th annual international ADI conference
Asian Dynamics Initiative
University of Copenhagen 26-28 June 2017 

"Going Comparative" in Asia

Convener: Jun Liu, Centre for Communication and Computing/Department of Media, Cognition and Communication, University of Copenhagen

This panel aims to explore reflectively comparative perspectives and approaches in researching social, political, economic, and cultural system in Asian countries. While comparative study provides a promising opportunity for the development of universally applicable theory, it also raises ontological, epistemological, and methodological challenges for carrying out comparative study. This panel aims to address key issues in comparative study, including but not limited to: why scholars want to "go comparative"; what we have hoped to get out of this; what instruments, data gathering methods, and modes of analysis have followed from this; what would be comparative in the case of the different social, political, economic, and cultural system in Asian countries; how can we be culturally sensitive in comparative study.