China - The Resilience of the Authoritarian State

Guest Lecture by Börje Ljunggren, former Swedish ambassador to China (2002-06)

and Vietnam (1994-97).

China's rise as an economic and political superpower can be considered
one of the largest changes occurring in our time. Although China has
managed this impressive development and has radically changed since
the era of Mao, many similarities remain. The country is still ruled by
one party - the Communist Party. How is it possible for the Communist
Party to still have such control of the nation when everything else is undergoing
such massive change?

Börje Ljunggren is one of Sweden's foremost experts on Asia.
He is an Ambassador at the Swedish Foreign Ministry's Asia department. He
has also been the head of the Asia department at both SIDA and the Swedish
Ministry for Foreign Affairs.

Börje Ljunggrens book 'Kina: vår tids drama' (China: the Drama of our Time) was published in spring 2008.

All are welcome!