Visual Anthropology: Awakening Giant - the Cultural Revolution in the People´s Republic of China

Jens Bjerre Danish nestor of ethnographic documentaries presents a film from 1960s China. Introduction by Ida Nicolaisen

Jens Bjerre is a Danish documentary film maker who travelled in the People's Republic of China in 1965, 1966 and 1970. He will be showing unique footage from these travels and he will talk about his experiences of China during the Cultural Revolution.

Bjerre has travelled and made films from many parts of the world. He has helped the Australian Government with the mapping of New Guinea and filmed African Bushmen. Many of Bjerre's documentary films have been awarded prizes from international film festivals. Bjerre has furthermore given lectures at several American universities - Harvard, Yale, Princeton, and Stanford amongst others. Bjerre is well known to the Danish public with his tv-shows on various subjects from foreign worlds.

NIAS, Leifsgade 33, third floor, DK-2300 Copenhagen S Organizers
The Nordic Institute of Asian Studies Library and Information Centre (NIAS Linc)