Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region

NIAS and ADI have the pleasure of inviting you to the seminar 'Ningxia: Introduction to a Province in Western China' with Jesper Schlæger at NIAS on 24 February 2009. 

Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region is the geographically smallest ‘province' in China. It is situated in the West of China in a harsh natural environment. The difference to the prosperous Eastern provinces is large. First, there is a large Hui-muslim minority which gives the province a distinct ‘feel'. Second, poverty is everywhere, but from the low starting point there is economical progress, not least due to the ambitious Western Development Plan of the Central Government. Third, the political system at a first glance appears far more conservative than in the Easternmore provinces.

During the last year Jesper Schlæger has lived in Yinchuan, the provincial capital, and he will share his fresh impressions and photos from the province with the participants at this seminar. There will be time for Q&A and discussion after the presentation.

Jesper Schlæger is PhD Fellow at the University of Copenhagen, Department of Political Science.

Everyone is welcome.