ChinaTalks: Ritual and Sincerity: Theories from China

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"One of the more exciting recent developments in the social sciences and humanities has been the attempt to explore the enormous body of theory that has been generated in cultures throughout the world and to bring this body of indigenous theory into conversation with Western theory.  This paper will attempt a small contribution to this larger project by discussing some of the indigenous theories concerning ritual and sincerity that have developed in the Chinese tradition.  I will argue that these theories from China open up a number of crucial issues that may force us to question some of our assumptions about self and society and allow us to re-think some of our understandings of social practices in general."

Michael Puett is the Walter C. Klein Professor of Chinese History in the Department of East Asian Languages and Civilizations at Harvard University.

Watch: Professor Puett lectures on Zhuangzi in relation to Confucius in Harvard University's biggest auditorium.

Read: "Why Are Hundreds of Harvard Students Studying Ancient Chinese Philosophy?", article on Professor Puett's popular course at Harvard University in The Atlantic.

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