South Asia Network Conference

South Asian Drama: Old Actors, New Scripts

Preparations of a new research agenda

The First Copenhagen South Asia Network Conference will take place from 18-19 June 2009. The conference will address how a range of themes change the frames for research and initialize new cross-disciplinary research agendas. By forming targeted research groups these problems will be addressed from multidisciplinary approaches. The conference is primarily aimed at researchers in the public or the private sector, but is open to all interested persons. We invite paper contributions on the state-of-the arts and how to proceed, and buzz groups on the following broad themes:

• Political violence, political stability and political futures

• The implications of Cultural Changes

• The political economy of economic development in contemporary South Asia

Organisation of the conference

The plan aims at a ‘flat' conference where as many of the participants as possible attend as many presentations as possible, but where there is left space for buzz groups to formulate new ideas.

Deadline for registration: 1 May 2009
Registration via e-mail to 
Please include name, institution and position

For further information, please contact the organisers:
Birgitte Refslund Sørensen, Associate Professor, University of Copenhagen,

Neil Webster, Senior Researcher, DIIS,, Tel. 32 69 87 87

Ravinder Kaur, Assistant Professor, RUC, , Tel. 46 74 31 61

Peter B. Andersen, Associate Professor, University of Copenhagen,,
Tel. 35 32 91 90 / 35 42 81 53