The New China: Gender, Class and Everyday life

This seminar focuses on significant intersections of gender, class and new forms of life in 21st century China.

The seminar will from different angles shed light on new social forms and identities in the context of globalization, neoliberal reforms and ways of life in present day China. Fresh research with both well-established and new research topics in the field of family, welfare and equality as well as emerging themes related to the gendering of corruption, consumerism and sustainability will be presented.

What binds the topics together is the underlying attempt at a genuine inclusion of gender dynamics in the modernization projects currently underway in China.

The seminar is open for everyone interested.

The seminar is a launching event for ”Gender Dynamics. Chinese - Nordic Perspectives”. Women, Gender and Research, Vol. 1, 2015 

It is organized by The Coordination for Gender Research in cooperation
with the Department of Sociology, University of Copenhagen