China’s international development cooperation: A catalyst for delivering the SDGs

The Fudan Centre, NIAS and ADI invites to a joint lunch seminar with Dr Zheng Yuan on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and Chinese international development cooperation.

Abstract: The world has entered a new era defined by the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which require significant efforts and resources to deliver. Meanwhile, the world is witnessing the changes in the global financial landscape, characterized by the “age of choice” as manifested in the emergence of new goals, new donors and new financial tools in scope and magnitude. At the core of these trends lies the increasing emphasis on effectiveness of development cooperation in terms of partnership and finance, which is to be realized through reinforced country ownership, growing interest of and commitment from the private sector to development, as well as good policies and institutions that enable diversified means of development cooperation, and ensure inclusion. Against this backdrop, China is rising in the global economic governance system, bringing alternative thinking and practices in delivering development cooperation. The presentation aims to provide an overview of the global trends in development cooperation, as well as UNDP’s approaches to facilitate effectiveness of China’s “going-out”.

Dr. Zheng YuanBio: Dr. Zheng Yuan is an economist at UNDP (United Nations Development Programme) China, specializing in international development cooperation. She has a solid background in economics, international trade and sustainable development. Dr Yuan received her PhD in economics at the University of Copenhagen.