Middle class on the move - Lifestyle, Gender, and Culture in Contemporary China

The workshop takes place in Beijing and is the 3rd and last in a workshop series of three. The 1st workshop was convened in Beijing in December 2017 and the 2nd  took place at the University of Copenhagen in October 2018.  


Topics to be addressed at this 3rd workshop include various intersections of class formation and practices including the making of the middle class and middle class masculinity, homes, housing as well as class and gender in art, consumption and social media, and sports.

The participants are distinguished junior and senior scholars from China and the Nordic countries who are specializing in various issues related to the Chinese middle strata.  


6 December, 09.00 – 12.00

9.00 – 9.45
Professor Li Chungling, CASS: Rising Middle Class in China. Growth and Challenges
10.00 - 10.45
Associate professor Derek Hird, Lancaster University, UK: Middle class men and masculinities in contemporary China?
11.00 - 11.45
Professor Jihua Lu, Peking University: Class, Care and Generation in China: Changing Norms of Eldercare Responsibilities across Generations

Venue:  SDC Center, Sino Danish Centre for  Education and  Research, SDC Building