Fourteenth Annual NAJS Conference
Nordic Association for the Study of Contemporary Japanese Society (NAJS)
The Fourteenth Annual NAJS Conference will take place at the South Campus of the University of Copenhagen, and is organized and sponsored jointly by Asian Dynamics Initiative (ADI), NIAS – Nordic Institute of Asian Studies and the Department of Cross-Cultural and Regional Studies.
Guidelines for participation
Keynote lecture: Happiness and the good life in Japan
Professor Dr Wolfram Manzenreiter, Dept. of East Asian Studies, University of Vienna, will share findings from his current research, shedding light on the merits of ethnographic research to understanding the diversity of happiness in contemporary Japan. Read abstract here
Preliminary programme
24 May
KUA3 - Room: 4A.0.68 |
9:00-9:30 |
Registration and coffee/tea |
9:30-9:45 |
Welcome/Opening Marie Roesgaard, Japan Studies, University of Copenhagen |
9:45-10:45 |
Keynote lecture, Professor Wolfram Manzenreiter, University of Vienna
Happiness and the good life in Japan
10:45-11:00 |
Break |
11:00-12:30 |
Nature-Culture Relationships – Chair: Jens Sejrup
- Aike P Rots, University of OsloPines or Oaks? Re-Making Nature in Post-Tsunami Tohoku (Discussants: Gaini, Hayashi)
- Stig Toft Madsen, NIAS - Nordic Institute of Asian StudiesBirdwatching in Japan and Denmark: Convergence and Variation (Discussants: Yamamoto-Pavlasevic, Sato)
- Mitsuhiro Hayashi, Cornell University Animism and Technology in Modern Japan (Discussants: Rots, Korshenko)
12:30-13:30 |
Lunch - Law Canteen |
13:30-14:30 |
Children and youth – Chair: Marie Roesgaard
- Bojana Yamamoto Pavlasevic, Kobe University Graduate School of Humanities
The influence of safety-related anxiety on child-rearing: A sociological case study (Discussants: Rots, Sato)
- Firouz Gaini, University of the Faroe IslandsThe Future Images of Contemporary Oki Islands Youth
(Discussants: Tamaki, Malashevskaia)
14:30-14:45 |
Break |
14:45-15:45 |
Foreign relations – Chair: Dick Stegewerns
- Raymond Yamamoto, Aarhus University
China as a new ODA Donor in Southeast Asia – A Challenge to the Japanese Role in the Region? (Discussants: Nagy, Madsen)
- Maria Malashevskaia, Saint Petersburg State UniversityComparative study of Japan-Mongolia and Japan-Russia interaction in the Eurasian megaregional integration in Post-Cold-War (Discussants: Hovhannisyan, Edström)
18:30- |
Conference dinner
25 May
KUA3 - 4A.0.68 |
9:00-10:00 |
Art and architecture – Chair: Marie Roesgaard
- Toyoko Sato, Copenhagen Business School
Naming Herself: The Hidden Agenda of Ishioka Eiko and Aesthetic Performativity (Discussants: Stegewerns, Sejrup)
- Jens Sejrup, University of Oslo
The Global Unrealized: Two aborted Japanese-designed extension projects to European art museums (Discussants: Revelant, Gaini)
10:00-10:45 |
Parallel sessions
- Room 4A.0.68: Japanese online resources, NIAS Asia Portal
Naomi Yabe Magnussen, University of Oslo Library Inga-Lill Blomkvist, NIAS - Nordic Institute of Asian Studies
- Room 4A.0.56: NAJS steering committee meeting
10:45-11:00 |
Break |
11:00-12:30 |
Between the Great Powers – Chair: Jens Sejrup
- Stephen Robert Nagy, International Christian University, Tokyo
A new model of Great Power Relations and sources of insecurity in the region: Third country perspectives (Discussants: Gaens, Tamaki)
- Taku Tamaki, Loughborough University
South Korea as Japan’s Reality: The Lessons of Ajia shisō Thinkers (Discussants: Stegewerns, Korshenko)
- Bart Gaens, Finnish Institute of International Affairs
Quad pro quo? Japan, the Quadrilateral Security Dialogue, and Indo-Pacific alignment
(Discussants: Yamamoto, Madsen)
12:30-13:30 |
Lunch - Law Canteen |
13:30-15:00 |
History – Chair: Annette Skovsted Hansen
- Andrea Revelant, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice
The Northern Expedition and Japanese Public Opinion, 1926–27 (Discussants: Yamamoto, Malashevskaia)
- Dick Stegewerns, University of Oslo, Nichibunken
From Chinese World Order to Japan’s Modern Mindset – Japanese Views of the Outside World from the Early Modern Period until the Present Day (Discussants: Edström, Gaens)
- Bert Edström, Institute for Security & Development Policy
New light on “the Onodera kōsaku” (Discussants: Revelant, Hovhannisyan)
15:00-15:15 |
Break |
15:15-16:15 |
Domestic politics and governance – Chair: Dick Stegewerns
- Elena Korshenko, Freie Universität Berlin
Explaining new parties’ unsustainability in Japan, 2005-2016 (Discussants: Nagy, Sejrup)
- Astghik Hovhannisyan, Russian-Armenian University
Who Deserves Human Rights? Eugenic Sterilizations and Human Rights in Postwar Japan (Discussants: Yamamoto-Pavlasevic, Hayashi)
16:15-16:30 |
Wrap up
16:30- |
Farewell and a glass of wine
NAJS prioritizes discussion of and feedback on papers, and therefore no time will be given for the presenter to summarize her/his paper. The presenter is, however, allowed five minutes to state what type of publication or audience she/he is aiming at and state special requests for desired feedback. Thereafter two discussants will be given five minutes each to bring up points for discussion. The presenter will then have five minutes to respond before the floor is opened for everyone to comment.
Conference venue
Rooms 4A-0-56 and 4A-0-68 at KUA3
South Campus
Njalsgade 76
DK-2300 Copenhagen S
The red arrows mark the two main entrances.
![Faculty map - South Campus](
NAJS' website
![Nordic Association for the Study of Contemporary Japanese Society logo](/billeder/najs_logo.png)
![ADI logo](/billeder/Logo_ADI.png)
![NIAS logo](/billeder/nias.jpg)