14 August 2020

Asia in Focus

Asia in Focus is a peer-reviewed OA journal published online twice a year by NIAS – Nordic Institute of Asian Studies. NIAS is a Nordic research and service institute focusing on Asia’s modern transformations. The focal point of the journal is the modern Asian societies viewed from the standpoints of social sciences and humanities. The geographical focus is the Asian countries from Central Asia to Oceania excluding Australia and New Zealand.

Contents – Issue 8

  • Letter from the Editor
    Nicol Foulkes Savinetti

  • Inter-Korean Dialogue and Cultural Memory Practices
    Katrine Emilie Brandt

  • Labour Power Control and Resistance: Precarious Migrant Factory Workers under the Agency Labour Regime in Chongqing and Shenzhen, China
    Chunsen Yu

  • Articulating the Shan Migrant Community in Thai Society Through Community Radio: A Case Study of the Map Radio Fm 99 in the City of Chiang Mai, Thailand
    Hyeonsoo Jeon

  • Institutional Analysis of Uruu/Village-Based Voting and Mobilisation Patterns in Post-Independence Kyrgyzstan
    Arzuu Sheranova

Asia in Focus was initiated by NIAS to provide Master and PhD students with a widely accessible and transnational forum to publish their findings. The journal accepts submissions (academic articles, academic essays, book reviews) to students from all European institutions of higher education.

For more information on Asia in Focus and earlier issues, please visit our website at www.asiainfocus.dk!