Selection of book chapters, contributions to edited volumes and anthologies
Ildiko Beller-Hann, 2013, ' The Bulldozer State: Chinese socialist development in Xinjiang ' in Ethnographies of the State in Central Asia: Performing Politics, edited by M. Reeves, J. Rasanayagam and J. Beyer . Indiana University Press, Bloomington , p. 262-289.
Susanne Bregnbæk, 2013, ' Tigermor eller hønemor?: Om ambivalent tilknytning og adskillelse imellem mødre og unge mennesker i Kina ' in K Fog Olwig & H Mogensen (eds), Familierelationer. Forlaget Samfundslitteratur.
Cynthia G.H. Chou, CGH 2013, ' Space, Movement and Place: The Sea Nomads '. i H Ray (red.), Maritime Traditions in the Bay of Bengal. Manohar Publications, New Dehli, p. 41-66.
Cynthia G.H. Chou, 2013, ' Agriculture and the End of Farming in Singapore '. i T Barnard (red.), Continual Verdure: Histories of Nature and Environment in Singapore. NUS Press Pte Ltd, Singapore.
Kirsten Hastrup (ed) 2013, "Anthropology and Nature", Waterworlds, Department of Anthropology. Routledge.
Contributors from the Waterworlds project and Department of Anthropology:
- Chapter 1: “Nature: Anthropology on the Edge” by Kirsten Hastrup
- Chapter 3: “Qualifying Coastal Nature: Bio-Conservation Projects in South East India” by Frida Hastrup
- Chapter 4: “Engaged World-Making: Movements of Sand, Sea, and People at Two Pacific Islands” by Marie Louise Bønnelykke Robertson & Cecilie Rubow
- Chapter 6: “Islands of Nature: Insular Objects and Frozen Spirits in Northern Mongolia” by Morten Axel Pedersen
- Chapter 11: “Human Activity Between Nature and Society: The Negotiation of Infertility in China” by Ayo Wahlberg
- Chapter 12: “Broken Cosmologies: Climate, Water, and State in the Peruvian Andes” by Karsten Pærregaard
- Chapter 13: “Of Maps and Men: Making Places and People in the Arctic” by Kirsten Hastrup
Lars Højer, 2013, ' Escalations: Spying and Totalitarianism in Western China and Beyond '. i E Fihl & J Dahl (red), A Comparative Ethnography of Alternative Spaces. Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, p. 219-237.
Ravinder Kaur,2013, "Bodies of Partition: Of Widows, Residue and Other Historical Waste", in Henrik Rønsbo and Steffen Jensen (eds.), Histories of Victimhood, Pennsylvania University Press
Ravinder Kaur,2013" Remain of Difference: New Imaginaries of Otherness in post-reform India", in Surinder Jodhka (ed.), Democracy, Identity and Citizenship: Interrogating India’s Modernity, Oxford and Delhi: Oxford University Press, 2013 (25 October).
Kirsten Refsing, 2013, ' From Collecting Words to Writing Grammars '. i M Hudson & AE Llwellyn (eds), Beyond Ainu Studies: Changing Academic Views. University of Hawaii Press, Honolulu.
Luisa Steur 2013, 'Class trajectories and indigenism amongst agricultural workers in Kerala.' In: Carrier, James and Kalb, Don, (eds.), Class for anthropologists. Cambridge University Press