Heroes and Exemplary Lives in Modern Japan
A Workshop with Dr. Kweku Ampiah, WREAC Academic Fellow in Japanese Studies, Department of Asian Studies, University of Leeds
Time and date: 25 March, 9:15-16:00
Venue: Leifsgade 33, Room 607
Session 1: 9:15 - 10:15
Guest lecture Dr. Kweku Ampiha: Noguchi Hideyo and the Japanese State (provisional title)
Session 2: 10:30 - 12:00
Student presentations: Heroes, Exemplary and Symbolic Lives in Imperial Japan
Commentators: Dr Kweku Ampiah et al.
Session 3: 13:15 - 14:15
Student Presentations: Heroic Warriors and Their Afterlives
Commentators: Dr. Kweku Ampiah, Morten Oxenbøll, PhD. (Saxo Institute)
Session 4: 14:30 - 16:00
Broader and Comparative Perspectives: Presentations to include Mai Corlin Bagger-Petersen (NIAS): Unlikely Heroes, Anti-heroes and Hero Heroes in Modern Chinese Cinema
Concluding discussion
The four sessions will be self-contained and you are welcome to attend any one of them, if you cannot be there for the entire day.