Asia brown bag: Legacies of Detention in Myanmar
NIAS and ADI invite you to a brown bag lecture by Dr. Andrew M. Jefferson and Dr. Tomas Max Martin from the Danish Institute Against Torture.
Our presentation will focus on the background and rationale for our study of Legacies of Detention in Myanmar (2016-21) exploring why prisons are an ideal empirical and analytic site for generating knowledge about the changing relationship between state and citizen in Myanmar. We also hope to share ethnographic insights from preliminary fieldwork conducted in February/March 2017 and begin the conversation with colleagues much more knowledgeable of the region than ourselves.
Based at the Danish Institute Against Torture, Dr. Andrew M. Jefferson and Dr. Tomas Max Martin both specialize in the ethnographic study of prisons and prison reform processes in the global south with particular focus on countries undergoing transition. Until recently they focused mostly on the understudied field of prisons in Africa, founding the Global Prisons Research Network, designed to bring together researchers involved in field-based studies of prisons in the south. Thanks to a grant from the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs they have now turned their attention to Myanmar, a paradigmatic case for studying prisons and reform processes in historical and contemporary context.
Time: 6 April, 12:30-13:30
Place: NIAS, CSS, room 18.1.08
Feel free to bring your own lunch. There will be coffee/tea.

Andrew M. Jefferson and Tomas Max Martin from the Danish Institute against Torture.
Detention in Myanmar