ADI Lunch Lecture - Ildiko Beller-Hann
Ildiko Beller-Hanns forelæsning om "Household economy and community cohesion in rural Xinjiang" finder sted den 15. september.
Abstract: Household economy and community cohesion in rural Xinjiang
Since 2000 the western provinces of China have been targeted as the focus of a massive development campaign. The ‘Develop the West' project aims at securing the stability of minority regions through encouraging economic growth and prosperity, although local people in many areas interpret this as a barely disguised effort to Sinicise minority populations and integrate them more closely into the Chinese polity. This is the background to the research project to be introduced here, which was carried out in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region. Situated in China's northwest, this area has been often characterised as China's "Wild West". Much scholarship hitherto has investigated inter-ethnic conflict or the efforts of the centre to "tame" its exotic periphery. My current project looks instead at the everyday strategies of Uyghur villagers in Eastern Xinjiang to muddle through the under conditions of the ‘socialist market economy'. Increased exposure to market forces has created new uncertainties and insecurities for many rural households; villagers combine old and new forms of social support, drawing on the state as well as kinship and religion to ensure social reproduction on both the household and the communal level.
Planlagte forelæsninger
Dato: 15. september:
Forelæser: Ildiko Beller-Hann, Lektor, Institut for Tværkulturelle og Regionale Studier
Titel: Household economy and community cohesion in rural Xinjiang
Dato: 13. oktober*
Forelæser: Mikkel Bunkenborg et. al., Institut for Antropologi
Titel: TBA
Dato: 15. december
Forelæser: Cecilia Milwertz, seniorforsker, NIAS
Titel: TBA
Formålet med ADI lunch lectures er at give smagsprøver på den mangfoldige Asienforskning, der finder sted på Københavns Universitet, og dermed åbne op for muligheder for nye samarbejder på tværs af discipliner og regioner.
Forelæsningerne og efterfølgende diskussion finder sted den tredje onsdag hver måned fra kl. 12.15-13.30 på:
NIAS - Nordisk Institut for Asienstudier
Leifsgade 33, 3. sal
2300 København S
Medbring evt. frokost - ADI sørger for en lille bid.
*Pga. efterårsferien afholdes ADI lunch lecture i oktober den anden - ikke den tredje - onsdag.