Ph.d. forsvar ved Rune Bolding Bennike

af afhandling for ph.d. graden ved Det Samfundsvidenskabelige Fakul­tet, Københavns Universitet:

  • Kandidat: Rune Bolding Bennike
  • Forsvaret finder sted: Fredag den 24. maj 2013 kl. 14.00-16.30

på Center for Sundhed og Samfund, Institut for Statskundskab, Øster Farimagsgade 5, 1353 København K., lokale 4.2.26.

Af hensyn til kandidaten lukkes dørene præcis kl. 14.00.

Afhandlingen der forsvares: "Governing the Hills. Imperial Landscapes, National Territories, and Production of Place between Naya Nepal and Incredible India"

Resumé: "In his dissertation, Rune Bennike asks what happens when an increasingly
globalised production of places collides with a resilient national order of
things in the Himalayan hills. He investigates movements for the establishment
of a Limbuwan and Gorkhaland state on either side of the border between eastern
Nepal and north-eastern India arguing that these collisions bring out old
problems as well as new opportunities in relation to the aspiration for a
larger say in local decision-making: While global connections can provide
normative leverage to demands for increased local autonomy, the consequence of
global connectivity might also be new imperial arrangements of government at
distance. Through his engagement with this area, Rune argues that we need to
rethink the spatiality of government in order to understand the contemporary
conditions for government as well as local autonomy

Lektor Noel Parker (formand), Københavns Universitet
Professor Srirupa Roy, Göttingen Universitet, Tyskland
Professor Allaine Cerwonka, Det centraleuropæiske Universitet, Budapest, Ungarn

Afhandlingen vil kunne købes i Akademisk Boghandel og koster 150 kr.