PhD workshop
19-20 October 2020 │ University of Copenhagen
NIAS – Nordic Institute of Asian Studies and Asian Dynamics Initiative
(The deadline has been extended to 31 August)
Though the annual 2020 NNC/ADI conference has been postponed to 2021 as a consequence of the global coronavirus, the PhD workshop will take place on the dates initially planned. It will be an intensive workshop for a limited number of PhD students working on Asia.
Depending on prevailing conditions at the time it is likely to be a hybrid event, with the possibility of attending in person or via an online platform. However, if necessary the workshop will be held entirely online.
The aim of the PhD workshop is to bring together promising doctoral students from various disciplines focusing on a diverse range of Asia related topics. In light of the forthcoming ADI/NNC conference Asia and Africa in Transition (June 2021) Asia-Africa related topics are very welcome.
We especially encourage PhD students from the Nordic region to apply.
The students present their research proposal or a key chapter from their thesis to all other participants. A panel of senior scholars will provide constructive feedback on the submissions.
Paper session format
5 minute introduction by student, followed by 3 discussants (2 faculty discussants and 1 student participant, up to 5 minutes each), total 20 minutes structured discussion.
This will be followed by 25 minutes of general discussion for each presentation.
Discussants will include
- Duncan McCargo, Director, NIAS – Nordic Institute of Asian Studies, Professor of Political Science, University of Copenhagen
- May Tan-Mullins, Vice-Provost and Professor of International Relations, University of Nottingham Ningbo, China
Doctoral students accepted for the PhD workshop can apply for funding to support travel and/or accommodation expenses. Reimbursements will be carried out after the PhD workshop has taken place.
Please note that it will also be possible to attend the workshop online.
Applying for the workshop
Applications for the PhD workshop should be submitted to and include:
- cover letter
- 1 page CV
- project description of max 1000 words
- letter of recommendation from the supervisor
- budget (if you require funding for travel and/or accommodation)
Prior to the workshop, students are expected to submit a paper of 6000-10000 words.
- A draft chapter or section from the PhD thesis
OR - An elaborated thesis proposal including research questions, chapter outline and a discussion of methods and analytical challenges
Readings and requirements for receiving 3 ECTS (to be approved by the individual student’s home university/institution):
- Active participation in the PhD workshop 19-20 October
This includes submitting and presenting a paper (6000-10000 words), reading the other participants’ papers, and giving comments on a fellow PhD student’s paper. - Readings (200 pages)
- 31 August: Extended deadline for submitting application
- 15 August: Notification of acceptance by organising committee
- 1 October: Deadline for submitting paper
For further information, please contact Katrine Herold, Project Coordinator, NIAS,
Asia-Africa Week