In-motion: discovering and analysing inter-Asian milieu

11th Annual International ADI Conference | 18-19 June 2019   

Asian Dynamics Initiative, University of Copenhagen
South Campus, Njalsgade 120, 2300 Copenhagen S

Conveners: Vera Skvirskaja, University of Copenhagen; Marina Marouda and Magnus Marsden, School of Global Studies, University of Sussex

The panel considers inter-Asian connectivities, trading communities and networks as being in-motion, and seeks to examine and explore such forms of motion at different levels: a) what analytical models exist for defining and analysing such expansive and fluid research milieu, b) in what ways can interdisciplinary scholarship deploy methods ranging from fieldwork to archival research to study such milieu and the processes underpinning them c) how can scholars engage, write and represent mobile research subjects?

Our hope is that the panel will promote critical reflection both on modes of analysing and representing mobile and geographically dispersed Asian milieu, as well as on the methodological tools that scholars across a range of disciplines have deployed to study these.  Defining fieldsites in terms of social and spatial relationships allows investigating processes through which extensive networks are being assembled in Asia. The panel welcomes contributions focusing on the dynamics of expansive configurations emerging in Asia, be these through top-down efforts to build China’s ‘Belt and Road initiative’ which opens pathways linking diverse parts of Asia, or more bottom-up and ad hoc forms of connectivity, often referred to as representing ‘globalisation from below’ (e.g. Matthews et al 2012). We especially welcome papers charting the mobile lives of traders and how they contribute to forging commercial and social milieu across Asia.

Download abstracts here (pdf)

19 June
Room 22.1.47


Chair: Vera Skvirskaja, University of Copenhagen

Magnus Marsden, University of Sussex
Commodities, Merchants, and Refugees: Inter-Asian Circulations and Afghan Mobility

Paul Anderson, University of Cambridge
A Partial Society: Conceptualizing Inter-Asia Yemini Networks

Marina Marouda, University of Sussex
Asia Kinesis: Un-bounding Fieldwork across milieux

11:00-11:15 Break
11:15-12:15 Keynote - Eric Tagliacozzo, Cornell University
How the Indian Ocean Spice Trade Made the World Modern
12:15-13:15 Lunch

Room 22.1.47


Chair: Paul Anderson, University of Cambridge

Serkan Yolaçan, National University of Singapore
Between the State and the Street: Biography as a Source an Genre of Inter-Asian Research

Benjamin Linder, University of Illinois
Placing Inter-Asian Mobilities: The Co-Production of Nepali Place and Subjectivity between Hong Kong and Kathmandu

Vera Skvirskaja, University of Copenhagen
Theorizing trade formations: pragmatic cosmopolitanism and the rise of the transnational trader in Georgia

Nisha Mathew, National University of Singapore
A Market and Society on the Move: Dubai as Asia's Middleman Economy and Global Corridor