2014.01.08 Asia in a Changing Arctic NIAS - Nordic Institute of Asian Studies launches new website on the research project Asia in a…
2014.02.20 New Master's Programmes The University of Copenhagen offers three new Master's degree programmes: Master of Arts (MA) in…
2014.02.28 New Books from NIAS Press Overview of recent publications from NIAS Press: Isan Writers, Thai Literature by Martin B. Platt;…
2014.04.02 Thomas Blom Hansen - Honorary Professor Thomas Blom Hansen has been appointed Honorary Professor at the Department of Cross-Cultural and…
2014.05.26 The Long Ride Mission arrives at ToRS 10 June How come breast cancer in Asian women has risen sharply during the past decades? Why do Asian women…
2014.08.14 In Focus - A new Nordic journal for young researchers on Asia The journal will focus on modern Asian societies viewed from the standpoints of social science and…
2014.09.15 New Special Journal Issue on 'Imagining Bangladesh' co-edited by Manpreet Janeja Manpreet Janeja has co-edited a special journal issue on ‘Imagining Bangladesh: Contested…
2014.10.02 Demographic changes in Southeast Asia: Regional and international ramifications A group of Nordic Southeast Asia scholars have received a grant from NOS-HS for two exploratory…
2014.10.06 Routledge Handbook of Religions in Asia The Routledge Handbook of Religions in Asia provides a contemporary and comprehensive overview of…
2014.11.11 Nordic Centre Fudan University welcomes visiting scholars Scholars may now book a working space at the Nordic Centre of Fudan University in Shanghai.
2014.11.25 Susanne Bregnbæk features in DR P1 On the challenges the rising number of Christians in China poses for the Communist Party.
2014.12.01 ADI søger AC medarbejder til Kinasatsning Ved Københavns Universitets tværfakultære Asien-satsning – Asian Dynamics Initiative (ADI) – er en…
2014.12.18 New initiative to strengthen China Studies in the Nordic countries The universities of Stockholm, Aarhus, Oslo and Copenhagen have joined to establish the Nordic…