
25. nov. 2015, kl. 10.00-14.00

Seminar with Monika Arnez: The events of 1965 in Sang Penari

Seminar with Monika Arnez, ERASMUS visiting professor.
The Republic of Indonesia celebrates the 70th anniversary of its independence in 2015, an event that fills the heart of many Indonesian with dignity and joy. However, 2015 also marks the 50th anniversary of an attempted coup d’état and its terrifying consequences, the mass killings of people associated with the Indonesian Communist Party (PKI) and other left-wing organisations.
17. nov. 2015

PhD course: Travel Writing - Politics, Poetics and Meaning

The Department for Cross Cultural and Regional Studies invites PhD students from across disciplines, including—but not limited to—travel studies, literature, anthropology, sociology, area studies, religious studies, geography, political science, postcolonial studies, history, cartography and semiology to present their work, at any stage it might be, and benefit from individual feedback provided—among others—by the keynote speaker, Prof. Tim Youngs (Nottingham Trent University) and all others present, including senior faculty from our department.
12. okt. 2012, kl. 18.00-21.30

Forskerdebat på Kulturnatten d. 12. oktober

En bæredygtig fremtid kræver langt mere end teknologiske løsninger. Vores kultur, historie og samfund er lige så vigtig for, hvilken retning vi bærer verden i. Hør forskerne dykke helt ned i de værdier, holdninger og politiske strategier, der i virkeligheden afgør, om vi tør ændre vores samfund. Fire debatoplæg sætter fokus på hver sin verdensdel fra Arktis til Asien, og tager fat om nældens rod – os mennesker og vores indstilling til en bæredygtig fremtid.